Sunday, June 28

Jackson is here

First of all, my wife is amazing. She brought our son into this world with amazing strength. Jackson and I are the luckiest guys in this world.

Jackson Wheeler Farrara entered this world at 9:25 pm. He weighs 8 pounds and 11 ounces and he has huge muscles. He has been responding great to his new world. He is about to spend his first night outside of his moms womb. He is sucking his fingers. He is beautiful.

Pictures to come tomorrow.

Baby is near

Autumn is tired, but we should be pushing soon. We have been here long enough to see our midwife and rn leave on their shift. Getting excited.

Epidural is in

Autumn fought the labors of pain for 14.5 hours. We danced, walked, sat on a birthing ball and cried. She has been and continues to be so strong. Right now we are enjoying the calm before our son arrives. They are planning on breaking the bag of waters soon which will increase the frequency of contractions, and the intensity.

I would like to say that he will arrive In the next couple of hours, but we are just enjoying this time. 8 cm dialated and the countdown is on.

In the hospital

Autumn woke up about 2 am this morning with some light contractions. She was able to fall back asleep. At 5am she got up and took a shower to ease the strengthening contractions. By 8:30, we were at the hospital and now we are playing the waiting game.

Currently, she is dialated to 4 cm. She is doing great, and we are ready to welcome our son.

Monday, June 22

The Countdown is on....

We are getting ready for the big plunge. Autumn is feeling great, but has had some hard days these past couple of weeks. Are walks are getting longer and more frequent. Anyone know of any household remedies to make a baby come out? The baby is due on June 25th, but we are not so sure we are going to hit that date.

If you have not heard, we are naming our son Jackson Wheeler Farrara. My favorite name was Rocco, but that got vetoed quickly. The first name came down to Hudson and Jackson, even though Autumn has tried to throw in some wrenches the past couple of weeks. All of sudden Landon and Dawson have become a possibility. I dont think we will be changing names now, but you never know what can happen. Wheeler is my grandparents last name and my mother's maiden name. We wanted to honor my grandma and grandpa for everything they have done for the family and I think it is a name the whole family can be proud of. Farrara is just cool.

We have been preparing the nursery for the past 5 months and it is looking pretty cool. The theme is surfer. We found some cool frames made of old boat and dock wood. It is more ocean front theme than direct surfer, but we are still looking for the 9 foot woodie surfboard. Along with the nursery, we have been trying to delete as many items off of the honey-do list as possible so we can focus on Jackson when he arrives. The bags are also packed for the spontaneous journey to the hospital.

Our friends Andy and Jamie were able to take home their baby from the hospital after 10 weeks of her being there. She was originally due a week after Jackson. She is doing really good.

Once we hit the hospital, I will keep everyone updated.