It is funny how fast this first year has gone. It makes more and more sense how people constantly look back and amazed at what they have missed in life. Jackson brings a whole new element to this formula.
He is growing so quick, which is more fun than anything. But the music in this Ipod has not been paused to take in as much as i would have hoped. It is a race to get home, to see him for 30 minutes. Those minutes are oh so precious.
I have been tagged, bath man. It use to be a blast. Now Jackson has decided that his 26 lb chubby body is scared of the waterfall(faucet) and sharks(rubber ducky). Yet, even while he is balling, i still enjoy every minute. As soon as i lift him from the scary wet porcelain, he is at peace and hugging his dad.
I am forever thankful for my son and my wife. I have been very blessed. Hope to talk to you soon.
that's a sweet post Eric. It's amazing how quick our little ones grow. Take in every moment, laugh, cry, and have fun!! We love you guys and Happy Birthday, hope you had a great one :)